If your transaction could not be approved, chances are your bank or credit card company is just trying to protect you. When unauthorized activity is suspected, a series of fraud protection services are activated. The result? Sometimes "good" orders are rejected. It's a source of frustration that comes with the times. We will do our best to assist.
Avoid Common Errors
Any one of these would prevent a valid order from processing successfully:
- A typo in the online form that did not match-up to the payment method
- A mismatch in the contact detail entered (vs. a borrowed or corporate credit card)
- The credit card expired
- The credit card limit was reached
- Insufficient funds to cover the purchase
- Unusual spending activity was detected
- Multiple purchases made in a short span of time
- Purchaser is placing an order from outside the USA
- The credit card issuer placed an Account Hold during a hotel or travel stay
- Credit card account is On Hold due to inactivity
It is also possible that your bank or credit card company experienced an intermittent technical issue that interrupted service. When this occurs, best bet is to try again with a different payment method.
The support team has no influence over (or insight into) order approval decisions.